Equity Section is a forum about exploring various thought processes and concepts related to investments. Its being run by Amit Sharma. He
is an entrepreneur and has two ventures to his name. He is an avid
investor and undertakes value analysis of equities listed on the stock
markets, both domestic and international. He also advises a select group
of individuals on matters related to investments.
Post B-school, he joined a Venture Capital / Private Equity Company, GVFL Ltd. as part of the Investment team. He was part of 3 funds there. At the time of his exit, he was managing ₹ 100 crores.
Later, he moved onto Springforth Investment Managers and helped them in setting their maiden ₹ 150 crores fund focussed on Agri, Food & Logistics.
After that, Amit shifted to corporate and joined NATCO Pharma Ltd. Here, he handles acquisitions, investments and new business development.