Monday, January 17, 2011

Zydus Wellness - Analysis of December Quarter Result

Recommendation : HOLD
January 17, 2011.

Zydus Wellness did an Income from Operations worth Rs. 90.88 crore. The Consumption of Materials as %age of Sales rose significantly to 18% to 16.46 crores from 14% at 10.74 crores in the same quarter last year. Advertisement Expenses as %age of Sales dropped to 8% at 7.05 crores from 22% at 16.39 crores in the same quarter the last year. Other Expenditures climbed to 21% at 18.66 crores as %age of Sales from 15% at 11.48 crores in the same quarter last year.

Operating Profitis Margin is coming out to be 31% at 28.1 crores vs 27% at 20.71 crores for the same quarter last year. 

The percentage breakdown of Quarterly Statement is given below.
Total Assets per Share of Zydus Wellness is coming out to be Rs. 31.20. Earning per Share for the past four quarters is coming out to be Rs. 14.87. Current Market Price of this stock is coming out to be Rs. 607. P/E of Zydus Wellness is coming out to be 40.82.

Equity Section feels that the improvement in Operating Profit Margins is because of the reduction in Advertisement Expenses. Equity Section feels that Inflation has been able to impact this company a lot. Equity Section admits that the management of Zydus Wellness is really clever by lowering Advertisement Expenses and maintaining exceptional Operating Profit Margin levels. The advertisements done in previous periods will help them in these hard times. Zydus Wellness' Cash Conversion Cycle of -177 days really make it an attractive investment proposition. But at the same time, the high P/E factor can't be ignored. So, in view of all the above stated points, Equity Section issues a recommendation of HOLD on Zydus Wellness.

Disclaimer : Equity Section holds Zydus Wellness.

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